As a loving father, good son, and a decent law attorney, Martin made it his life’s work to improve the living conditions of Dominican children at home and abroad. Right now, many Dominican children are living through a global crisis against the backdrop of poverty, poor education, and below-average living conditions. These vulnerable children need our help more than ever.

Martin joined La Vuelta Quisqueya event in honor of his grandmother and with the hopes of drawing attention to the plights of the Dominican child and addressing the poverty situation in our communities. Born in the Dominican republic but well-traveled, he dedicated himself to doing his bit in helping Carrera de Yaguas and the Dominican Republic to become a better place.

This cycling charity event will be his second after participating in the Smile Train Half Ironman triathlon charity event in Mont Tremblant that helped raise funds for surgical operation of children with cleft lips and palates.

Being a part of this cycling event team has afforded him the opportunity to plan, market, and make preparations for our riding events. He hopes that you’d join us in our mission to make Dominicn Republic a better place for our children to grow and thrive. With your help, we can touch lives one project at a time.

Whatever means you choose to support our cause, you’re very much appreciated.